Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Recession CEO

My hubby just walked into my office and found me on a busy working day. The laptop in front of me had 2 screens, iDiva.com and the buzzstop blog. The phones were silent, my lunch spread out in front of me, an unopened ET dismissed to the corner of the table (pride of place went to my lunch dabba). And I proudly told him that I was invited to contribute to the blog and was pondering (last 10 minutes) on what I should write about. Unfortunately his answer is unprintable. I just realised that this low biz cycle ( I refuse to use th "R-word") has its uses. Having time to do what you want is a pleasant change. I was in Bangalore recently, and even the traffic was tangibly less. Every hiring manager wants to meet me (for a change!), if only to discuss threadbare the implications and swap horror stories.Life is no longer at a tense fast pace, at the mercy of 3 phones, chasing meetings, apologising for missed deadlines. I actually have time to stand and stare. And yes, time to write this blog.