So far the contest has been quite well received in terms of people checking in to see what it is about. The responses have only been few so far..
If you would like to participate or see what I am talking about, check out "SATSQ - Contest 1"
A blog with an irreverential look at life.. With an extra Z for Zeitgeist this blog packs Zest & Zing! You can catch us babbling on all that catches our busy brains and if you want to know what's the latest - Watch this Space - The Buzz.. Starts Here!!
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (SATSQ) - Contest 1
There used to be a really funny feature in the MAD Magazine that I used to enjoy and lap up. It was called "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions". It used to have a hilarious combination of dumb questions and terrific comebacks by the cult cartoonist Al Jaffee
Al Jaffee,
MAD Magazine,
Snappy Answers,
Stupid Questions
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
The Matinee Idol
My first drabble! For those who may not know, a drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length around an interesting idea or concept
Saturday, 5 June 2010
To Think or To Blink - Book Review
Just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. I have never been much of a reader of non-fiction and usually make a bee line towards the fiction section rather than Non-Fiction.
Blink was pretty much an exception (I caught someone reading it at an Airport lounge and decided to pick it up later). While it did not blow me away, it was an interesting read.
Blink was pretty much an exception (I caught someone reading it at an Airport lounge and decided to pick it up later). While it did not blow me away, it was an interesting read.
Book review,
Brain Power,
Malcom Gladwell,
Tipping Point
Friday, 4 June 2010
Arose by Other names!
The title of this post is a twist of the Shakespearean quote "A rose by any other name..". If the name, as the lines suggest, is not important, then why do people whether from the days of yore or today's blogging blokes and twittering twits, choose to use names other than their own?
nom de plume,
Pen name,
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
10 D-Uh Moments due to the Tech revolution!

Many people are quite often confounded by the burgeoning reach of technology in their lives. Unseen and unheard in many cases, technology has entered into many of our day to day lives and irrevocably entwined itself into our routines. Even confirmed Luddites have had to embrace email and mobile phones, whether or not they welcomed it with arms wide open!
Nintendo WII,
Top 10
Monday, 24 May 2010

“Where is my mummy?” wailed Ashraf.
Janet’s thoughts drifted to her toddler she just dropped off to head to work.
Boys will be Boys she thought. Maybe his mum wandered off - Alzheimer’s?
“ Sir, this is the lost luggage area not the missing persons”
“I am an Egyptologist! Your Airlines lost my luggage again!”
Monday, 10 May 2010
The Colony
The colony was abuzz with activity.
Yet another violent death! Was the “Big Foot” story true? Were giants trying to attack?
Meanwhile, Bobby’s mom rattled - " Stop Spilling breakfast! Look at the ants!" - "Ouch! Stop it Bobby – Don’t step on them!"
The ant colony dispersed wondering how "Big Foot" knew what was afoot!

Yet another violent death! Was the “Big Foot” story true? Were giants trying to attack?
Meanwhile, Bobby’s mom rattled - " Stop Spilling breakfast! Look at the ants!" - "Ouch! Stop it Bobby – Don’t step on them!"
The ant colony dispersed wondering how "Big Foot" knew what was afoot!
Thursday, 6 May 2010
10 Signs of a Radically Diminishing Attention Span

I am quite convinced that the world over, people are facing an increasing reduction in their attention span! Oxymorons aside, I decided to ponder for a few minutes on 10 signs around me that are evidence of this theory..
1. The "T20" version of Cricket has soared in popularity leaving behind the much longer "One day match" version!
2. SMS and Twitter have successfully replaced any other lengthy means of communication - Email seems so 1994!
3. The creeping in of short language (textese) and acronyms even in formal communication - who doesn't use ASAP or LOL!
4. Haiku has replaced Sonnets & Odes!
5. Comparison shopping is increasingly done online rather than offline at the malls
6. Few people cook full fledged meals at home and spend more money and time at Fast food joints
7. Supermarkets are stocked up with a flurry of Instant meal products for the "Heat & Eat" tribe
8. People reading the news scroll at the bottom of the news channel rather than listening to the news
9. Multi-tasking left right and center - apparently paying attention to all and in reality to None
10. Using Google for answers rather than racking one's brains over stuff that one knows.
I am sure that there are quite a few more examples - Care to think of any? Hello, Hellooooooooo ... have you moved over to another post already!
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
The Psycho

When she sauntered into the class 10 minutes late (she was always 10 minutes late - absolutely punctually;), she didn't notice that he was already sitting inside the room.
The rest of the class was yet to arrive and it was sort of a twilight zone - still some dregs of sunlight streaming in the room and posing the "Should we switch on the lights or not?" question...
She slowly walked up to him - a bit tentatively since he was slumped in the chair - obviously distressed. It had now been two months since she took the evening classes on psychology and each day had been a new experience. People were coming in and telling all kinds of stories of their past - all very different and even surreal. Having heard so many narratives, Ramya had learnt to accept the strange and sub-normal. Like an oft used perfume whose smell is hardly picked up by the wearer, strange stories had become quite the norm!!
Ramya treaded quietly and shook him slightly - just to get his attention, for he still seemed pre-occupied by his aloneness... He slowly looked up and it seemed that he had been crying.
"Would... Would you like some water?", Ramya asked
"You are late", he announced to no one in particular, seeming unable to digest the sudden doubling of the population in the room
Ramya said, "I came as soon as I finished work. Can we begin our session today?".
He seemed reluctant a bit. "No one else has arrived yet. Should we start or wait?"
Ramya was dying to broach the topic and hurriedly said, "Never mind. Let us begin. What has been bothering you?"
"Well, Life does seem to have reached an all time low. My routine bores me to the core... I dont think that I make enough money for a man of my qualifications. There does not seem to be any reward or appreciation for my hard work and the many hours I spend with the people I work with. I am totally depressed and I have reached a dead end in my career.."
Ramya braced herself and said, "Cmon, You really have to pull yourself together. It is not all that bad and you only need to see your job in a new perspective." Looking at her watch, she then continued, "and I suggest that you do it soon, because, the rest of the students will be here soon, Professor!!"
She slowly walked up to him - a bit tentatively since he was slumped in the chair - obviously distressed. It had now been two months since she took the evening classes on psychology and each day had been a new experience. People were coming in and telling all kinds of stories of their past - all very different and even surreal. Having heard so many narratives, Ramya had learnt to accept the strange and sub-normal. Like an oft used perfume whose smell is hardly picked up by the wearer, strange stories had become quite the norm!!
Ramya treaded quietly and shook him slightly - just to get his attention, for he still seemed pre-occupied by his aloneness... He slowly looked up and it seemed that he had been crying.
"Would... Would you like some water?", Ramya asked
"You are late", he announced to no one in particular, seeming unable to digest the sudden doubling of the population in the room
Ramya said, "I came as soon as I finished work. Can we begin our session today?".
He seemed reluctant a bit. "No one else has arrived yet. Should we start or wait?"
Ramya was dying to broach the topic and hurriedly said, "Never mind. Let us begin. What has been bothering you?"
"Well, Life does seem to have reached an all time low. My routine bores me to the core... I dont think that I make enough money for a man of my qualifications. There does not seem to be any reward or appreciation for my hard work and the many hours I spend with the people I work with. I am totally depressed and I have reached a dead end in my career.."
Ramya braced herself and said, "Cmon, You really have to pull yourself together. It is not all that bad and you only need to see your job in a new perspective." Looking at her watch, she then continued, "and I suggest that you do it soon, because, the rest of the students will be here soon, Professor!!"
Friday, 30 April 2010
2 States - Book Launch & Book Review
I was at the Book Launch function in Chennai (Loyola College) where Chetan and Shruti Hassan read out parts of the book to a 1000 plus audience, including tonnes of students, some celebrities and his family.
The presentation that Chetan made on "Why Tamil girls are better than Punjabi girls" was hilarious and had the audience cheering along!
As I was sitting next to Chetan's inlaws, I managed to check up whether there was any truth in the semi-autobiographical stories related by Chetan, particularly in "2 States". His MIL, who actually seemed a very sweet lady, smiled and said "Not at all" - but ofcourse!
As I was sitting next to Chetan's inlaws, I managed to check up whether there was any truth in the semi-autobiographical stories related by Chetan, particularly in "2 States". His MIL, who actually seemed a very sweet lady, smiled and said "Not at all" - but ofcourse!
Here are some take aways from the Book Launch..
- Chetan - Never mind the ad line that
he has become the biggest English novelist in India - he came across as a simple guy, with an earnest and endearing manner. His English was spoken with a really strong Punjabi Accent!!
- The celebrities - There was quite an assembly - Kushboo, Suhasini, Shruti Hassan being the most recognizable. There were also some DJs, drama artistes and so on.. The cutest were Chetan's young boys (twins, around 6 yrs old or so). When Chetan started the launch asking, "Who has read my book?" - I was really amused when both his boys put their hands up!!
- Suhasini -
spoke about her Tamil education, late entry to reading English books and an incident soon after her marriage that had her in tears (finding CIBACA in the bathroom and the thought that she would have to adopt to a life time of a toothpaste that she did not like..). Ofcourse, the anecdote concluded with the happy story of the toothpaste transformation that has happenned in the Mani Ratnam household - ALL IZZZ WELL!
- Kushboo - spoke about her being the "Tamilian" daughter-in-law of the entire state - given her celebrity status (cmon people, we made a temple for her in Tamil Nadu at one stage)
- Shruti Hassan - book reading was sweet and she consciouly "Bleeped" objectionable words. Turned out to be the best looking celebrity of the evening - much to the glee and catcalls from the gang of students that had attended - after all the venue was at Loyola College!
- Me - I managed to arrive early and so got front row seats. I got to ask Chetan a question on the movie 3 idiots - before some of the controversy and huge success of the movie! I also managed to beat hundreds of students and get to Chetan and got him to autograph my edition of 2 states (more for posterity than anything else - also the Monica in me couldn't resist the challenge of seeing if I could!)
- After the book launch, got wet in the pouring rain. Was fantastic!
Now for some takes on the book..
Two States is the story of Krish and Ananya. The fundamental premise is quite stale - two people from different states of India who fall in love and want to get married. We have seen it so many times in books and movies - whether it was North meets South in the famous movie "Ek Duje Ke Liye" or in culture clashes in "Alaigal Oyevadithillai".
The presentation ofcourse is distinctly different and that is what makes Chetan's book eminently readable.
Chetan's writing style would not appeal to a highly sophisticated reader or a wordsmith looking for flowing prose punctuated with refined language. It however strikes the right chord with the average Indian reader since it is easy to understand and updated to the current day conversation style.
The book is certainly humorous. A hard core Chennaiite such as myself (or so I like to think) could have been offended by some of the merciless jokes and digs Chetan takes, but I found them really funny!
The book produces an urge in every reader to read aloud to anyone else in the room since the jokes are the kind you want to share with someone - I believe that this is a great testimonial for the author.
I have read all of Chetan's books - right from Five point someone, One night at a Call center and Three mistakes of my life! I have earlier felt that they were progressively getting worse. However Chetan, with 2 states has managed a "Volte Face". I felt that this was his best book so far..
I am quite sure that after the stupendous response to "3 idiots" which was based on "Five point someone", it is only a matter of time before "2 States" is also made into a movie..
Here is my casting for the movie - Asin/Vidya Balan and Shahid Kapoor - What is yours?
2 states,
3 Idiots,
Book review,
Chetan Bhagat,
Shahid Kapoor
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Writer's Block
It is strange how writer's block sets in for almost any and every person that has ever wanted to write.
In this twitter era, it might seem that 140 characters is all that a writer needs to come up with and once that is done, then the twit who twittered is all done!
When it comes to a blogger, the job is only a slightly taller order but yet, it is not all that big a deal, because spewing a couple of paragraphs does not easily mellow the muse in me and once the keys start dancing in tune with the fingers, the words come out quite effortlessly!
What about a book! Pages and Pages of unadulterated fiction waiting to be written! Is there enough to Kindle an amazonian ambition to be an author? The ultimate magnum opus that has not been written yet and may never ever be!
The book is still a distant dream, but just fresh back from a short break, I shall certainly be blogging more at the buzzzstop! Hopefully my co-authors will be coaxed to join in with some interesting tales as well!
In this twitter era, it might seem that 140 characters is all that a writer needs to come up with and once that is done, then the twit who twittered is all done!
When it comes to a blogger, the job is only a slightly taller order but yet, it is not all that big a deal, because spewing a couple of paragraphs does not easily mellow the muse in me and once the keys start dancing in tune with the fingers, the words come out quite effortlessly!
What about a book! Pages and Pages of unadulterated fiction waiting to be written! Is there enough to Kindle an amazonian ambition to be an author? The ultimate magnum opus that has not been written yet and may never ever be!
The book is still a distant dream, but just fresh back from a short break, I shall certainly be blogging more at the buzzzstop! Hopefully my co-authors will be coaxed to join in with some interesting tales as well!
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